For more info call (626) 940-2114 or email ASNTGLASBosco@gmail.com
We are privileged and proud to have had a unique and productive working relationship with Don Bosco Technical Institute since the early 1960s. By day, the high school teaches nondestructive testing to students in its Department of Materials Science, Engineering and Technology. In the evening, we partner with them on continuing education for adults interested in or working in nondestructive testing and related fields.
Click on the image below to view and download the full eight-page PDF file of the latest Schedule of Classes for the ASNT-GLAS Continuing Education Program. (The registration form is on page seven of the PDF.)

GLAS has a special program, called "PAL", that is occasionally run in conjunction with our monthly meetings.
The Principles, Applications, Limitations (PAL) program consists of back-to-basics type talks that are free to all. When they occur, PAL talks take place in the hour before dinner at our monthly meetings. Please consult our monthly newsletter for dates, times, and topics.