Our Regular Meetings (Santa Fe Springs)

Bruce's Prime Rib & Spirits
12623 E. Imperial Highway, Santa Fe Springs, CA, 90670
P: 562-868-4660
Join us on the 2nd Tuesday evening of most months!
Send an e-mail to Justin Hilterman (click his name) to RSVP and/or if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to give a technical talk!
Social Hour- 6:00pm
Dinner- 7:00pm
Speaker- 8:00pm
Goodbyes- 9:00pm
(6:00-7:00pm: ASNT-GLAS Board of Directors Meeting.
Board meetings are open to all, but designed for Board members. Social Hour, which takes place at the same time but separately, is designed for everyone else.)
San Fernando Valley & Ventura County Meetings

Local subchapter meetings in the San Fernando Valley or Ventura County are not currently being conducted, but if you're interested in re-starting and re-organizing either one, feel free.
You can email Justin Hilterman about doing so by clicking his underlined name above.
We thank Duane Schultz (Ventura County) and the late Steve Senne (San Fernando Valley) for organizing these subchapter meetings in years past.